About Us

Inner Wheel is a worldwide network of motivated and inspired ladies who transform their passion into relevant service to change lives in communities. It is the largest women’s organisation in the world. Inner Wheel focus upon friendship and personal service. Our members raise funds and each Club selects its own charities and channels of service. The best aspect of Inner Wheel is the opportunity given to members through conferences and conventions to develop Friendship and International Understanding.


In 1920, the wives of Rotarians in Great Britain and Ireland joined hands to help their husbands with social work undertaken by Rotary.
On 10th January, 1924 “Inner Wheel Club of Manchester” was formed and Mrs. Margarette Oliver Golding was elected as the first President and Mrs. Nixon as first Secretary.  This day is celebrated as Inner Wheel Day.  Since then the movement grew rapidly and spread all over the globe.
The first Inner Wheel District was formed on 10th January, 1928.  All women’s clubs existing alongside Rotary in Manchester and Liverpool united to form the first Inner Wheel District Committee.  District No.5.   By 1934 there were 79 clubs in 8 Districts which came together to form an Association of Inner Wheel Clubs of Great Britain and Ireland.


The year 1984 saw a shakeup in tune with Rotary Districts.  Districts 314 & 317 were bifurcated with 7 Clubs of District 314 & 2 Clubs of District 317 forming the new District 313.  Mrs. Charulata Chinchankar was the founder Chairman of new Inner Wheel District 313.
The funds & trophies of District 314 were divided & District 313 received funds & 3 trophies as the share to start the District.  Some funds were also contributed from District 317.
District 313 which started on such a strong footing has climbed the pinnacle of success with 3 Past Association Presidents, 2 Past Association Treasurers and 1 Past Association Secretary. 36 PDC contributed substantially to make our District 313 one of the best & 2nd largest District in the Association. PAP Charulata Chinchankar represented India to become IIW Representative while PAP Roshan Chindhy represented as IIW Board Director & PDC Smita Pingale was Association President 2018-19


  • Friendship:  Inner Wheel provides one of the most basic human needs. The need for friends & fellowship.
  • Personal Growth & Development:  Membership in Inner Wheel provides members with a continuation of one’s growth and education in human relations and personal development.
  • Leadership Development: Inner Wheel is an organization of service minded and capable women. Serving in Inner Wheel positions is like a college education in leadership: learning how to motivate, influence and lead people from different walks of life.
  • Public Speaking Skills: Many individuals who join Inner Wheel are afraid to speak in public. Inner Wheel provides opportunity and develops confidence and skills in public communication.
  • Citizenship Of The World: Every Inner Wheel member proudly wears a pin that says : “Inner Wheel”,  which is spread over 103 Nations world-wide.
  • Entertainment: Inner Wheel has Assemblies, Conferences, Rallies, Triennials, Conventions, Institutes and Workshops that provide entertainment in addition to Business Sessions like Inner Wheel information, education and service.
  • Cultural Awareness: Around the world, practically every religion, country, culture, race, creed, political persuasion, language, colour and ethnic identity is represented in Inner Wheel.  It is the cross section of the world’s most prominent citizens from every background.  Inner Wheel members become aware of other cultures and learn to live and work with everyone. They become better citizens of the countries they belong to, in the process.
  • The Opportunity To Serve: Inner Wheel is the largest community based social service. It provides ample opportunities and varieties in the field of service to the community.